
There is a lot of talk about value chains, segments, target groups etc. We do business with people of flesh and blood. We respect that each individual partner has their own agenda and acts in accordance with it. We focus on the ability to put ourselves in each customer’s position and understand their needs, so that we can offer solutions which match their needs precisely. We consider this a core competence. Without this ability we are just a supplier like all the others. This skill can, however, earn us a reputation as a cooperative partner who is able to contribute to the development of our customers’ businesses.

We want to be known for this. Based on our overall strategy, we plan measures aimed at each important participant in the partner circle. We ensure that initiatives and participants support each other. We have developed competences around the world which we transfer to the specific situa-tion. Competences which we have included in our market range under the titles:

• Technical / aesthetical services
• Marketing services
• Logistics / finance services

We think of our partner circle as a propeller. Each blade is an essential part of the whole. Our task is to push each blade until the propeller achieves the critical speed and delivers the required results.